
St Matthias: Praying in Joy

There’s a beautiful seamlessness in how the liturgical calendar for this year connects the Ascension account from yesterday to today’s description of how St Matthias came to be listed as one of the apostles. A key verse (Acts 1:14) that connects the two readings occurs just before today’s, which tells us that the disciples were constantly devoting themselves to prayer. I feel that’s the key movement that animates this period before Pentecost – prayer. Behind the prayerful choice of St Matthias as the ‘replacement’ apostle lies the deep sense of joy that the disciples felt, a joy grounded in the resurrection and shown quite spectacularly in the Ascension. This was the joy that animated their decisions and allowed them a glimpse of the glory that Jesus spoke of during his life. As we continue to contemplate the reality of the resurrection and Ascension in our lives, let us seek to infuse our lives with this joy as we await the coming of the Holy Spirit.

I ask for the grace of joy which allows me to embrace the reality of the resurrection and Ascension with all my heart, so that I can participate in the Lord’s glory through my love and service of him and everyone around me.

Scripture passages
Acts 1:15-26
John 15:9-17

Some questions for prayer and reflection
St Matthias’s docility to the Spirit makes him a model for us and our ability to respond to to the promptings of the Lord. How have we felt the Lord calling and how do we feel ourselves responding?
The Lord reminds us that the keeping of his commandments infuses us with joy and that this joy is complete. Consider how we’ve felt this joy in recent days and give thanks for that. Consider the quality of this joy and how it nurtures our relationship with the Lord.

By gymstan

has a head like a brush. seeks to sweep through thought and word with that brush. tries to wax philosophical but forgets to wax off. trying to be good brush to all, while discerning what kind of brush he's meant to be.

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